University of Regina | Main Campus
3737 Wascana Parkway , Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2
Regina, Saskatchewan
Founded 1974
Total Students: 16500+
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The University of Regina—with campuses located in Regina and Saskatoon on Treaty 4 and Treaty 6 territories, the ancestral lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Nakoda, and Lakota nations and the homeland of the Métis—is a comprehensive, mid-sized university that traces its roots back to the creation of Regina College, a small residential high school established by the Methodist church in 1911.


  • Description Sub Total
  • Avg Yearly Cost of Living $16,013.00
  • Avg Cost of Tuition/Year $21,488.69
  • Estimated Total/Year $37,501.69

Programs at the school

Education - Elementary

Tuition: $20,950.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Education - Elementary -

Physics - Msc (Thesis based)

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Science in Physics -

Jan 2025


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - English -

Jan 2025

Petroleum Systems Engineering (PSE)

Tuition: $21,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Engineering - Petroleum Systems Engineering -

Jan 2025

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science (Optional Co-op)

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science (Optional Co-op) -

Mathematics and Statistics

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master's Degree in Mathematics and Statistics -

Jan 2025

Certificate in Visual Arts

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Visual Arts -

Sport and Recreation Management

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management -

Certificate in Health Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Health Studies -

Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics Coop

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics -

Educational Psychology (MEd EPSY)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Education - Educational Psychology -

Jan 2025

Diploma of Business Administration

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Diploma of Business Administration -

Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Engineering - Electronic Systems -

Jan 2025

Industrial Systems Engineering (ISE)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Engineering - Industrial Systems Engineering -

Jan 2025

Human Justice

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Human Justice -

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy, Politics, and Economics -

Sociology - MA (Thesis Route)

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts in Sociology -

Jan 2025

Classical and Medieval Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Classical and Medieval Studies -

Jan 2025

Certificate in International Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in International Studies -

Certificate in Media, Art, and Performance

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Media, Art, and Performance -


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - German -

Diploma in Health Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Diploma in Health Studies -

Certificate in German

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in German -

Social Studies - MA (Thesis Based)

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts in Social Studies -

Resource and Environmental Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Resource and Environmental Studies -

Actuarial Science

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Actuarial Science -

Human Kinetics

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Kinesiology - Human Kinetics -

Master of Arts English

Tuition: $25,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts - English -

Jan 2025


Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics -

Bachelor of Science - Biology (Optional Co-op)

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Biology (Optional Co-op) -

Aging Studies - Msc (Thesis Based)

Tuition: $22,454.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Science in Aging Studies -

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre & Drama Studies

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Theatre & Performance -

Master of Administration in Leadership

Tuition: $13,066.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master's Degree in Leadership -

Education - Arts

Tuition: $20,950.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Education - Arts -

Business Administration

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Business Administration (Optional Co-op) -

MSc -Biochemistry Program

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $100.00

Biochemistry -

Jan 2025


Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Music -


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology -

Jan 2025

Engineering - Environmental Systems

Tuition: $23,033.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering - Environmental Systems -

Certificate In Animation

Tuition: $10,250.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate In Animation -

Aging Studies - MA (Thesis Based)

Tuition: $22,454.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts in Aging Studies -

Jan 2025

Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction -

Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (Optional Co-op)

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (Optional Co-op) -

Master of Social Work (Thesis)

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Social Work -

Jan 2025

Women's and Gender Studies (MA)*

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts in Women's and Gender Studies -


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Geography -

Certificate in Japanese

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Japanese -

Software Systems Engineering (SSE)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Engineering - Software Systems Engineering -

Jan 2025

Certificate in Political and International Governance

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Political and International Governance -

Adult Education and Community Engagement (MAECE)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Education - Adult Education and Community Engagement -

Jan 2025

Film Production

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Film Production -

Bachelor of Science - Economics

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Economics -

Jan 2025

Visual Arts

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts -

Geographic Information Science

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Geographic Information Science -

Educational Leadership

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Education - Educational Leadership -

Master of Nursing – Nurse Practitioner

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Nursing – Nurse Practitioner -

Jan 2025

Engineering - Electronic Systems

Tuition: $23,033.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering - Electronic Systems -

Mathematics and Mathematics Education

Tuition: $20,950.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Mathematics Education -

Certificate in Liberal Arts

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Liberal Arts -


Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Geology -

Art History

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Art History -

Bachelor of Arts - Economics and History

Tuition: $20,562.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Economics and History -

Jan 2025

Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Tuition: $21,777.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics and Statistics -

History (MA) 

Tuition: $17,599.95

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts in History -

Jan 2025

Environmental Systems Engineering (EVSE)

Tuition: $21,500.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Engineering - Environmental Systems Engineering -

Jan 2025

Engineering - Industrial Systems

Tuition: $23,033.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering - Industrial Systems -

Diploma in Liberal Arts

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Diploma in Liberal Arts -

Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry (Optional Co-op)

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry (Optional Co-op) -

Diploma in Computer Science

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Diploma in Computer Science -

Health Studies

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Health Studies -

International Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - International Studies -

Sociology and Social Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology -

Social Studies - MA (Course Based)

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts in Social Studies -

Jan 2025

Arts Transition Program

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Arts Transition Program -

Certificate in Economics

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Economics -

Process Systems Engineering (PSEng)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Engineering - Process Systems Engineering -

Jan 2025

Bachelor of Science - Geography

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Geography -

Master of Arts - Psychology

Tuition: $22,454.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts - Psychology -


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - History -

Master of Indigenous Education (MIED)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Education - Indigenous Education -

Jan 2025

Engineering - Petroleum Systems

Tuition: $23,033.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering - Petroleum Systems -

Indigenous Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor Degree in Indigenous Studies -

Women's & Gender Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies -


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Psychology -

Computer Science

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Science - Computer Science -

Jan 2025


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy -

Bachelor of Science - Environmental Geoscience

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Environmental Geoscience -

MSc Computer Science - Data Science

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Science -

Jan 2025


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in French -

Bachelor of Science - Software Systems Development

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Software Systems Development -

Media, Art, and Performance (unsure of major)

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Media, Art, and Performance -

Religious Studies (MA)

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts in Religious Studies (thesis) -

Jan 2025

Certificate in Indigenous Fine Arts

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Indigenous Fine Arts -


Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Kinesiology - Gerontology -

Organization Studies (MSc)

Tuition: $20,000.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Science in Organization Studies -

Jan 2025

Religious Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Religious Studies -

Environmental Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies -

Certificate in Indigenous Health Studies

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Certificate in Indigenous Health Studies -

Health Promotion

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Kinesiology - Health Promotion -

Human Resource Development (MHRD)

Tuition: $25,528.60

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Education - Human Resource Development -

Software Systems Development

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Software Systems Development -

Therapeutic Recreation

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Therapeutic Recreation -

Bachelor of Business/Sports and Recreation - Joint degree

Tuition: $23,500.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Business/Sports and Recreation -

Political Science

Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $50.00

Bachelor of Arts - Political Science -

Master of Arts - Music

Tuition: $22,454.00

Application Fee: $125.00

Master of Arts - Music -

Bachelor of Science - Physics (Optional Co-op)

Tuition: $21,580.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Science - Physics (Optional Co-op) -


Tuition: $20,364.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics -

Engineering - Software Systems

Tuition: $23,033.00

Application Fee: $100.00

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering - Software Systems -