Brand Management Algonquin College

About this Program

Level: Graduate Certificate in Brand Management

Discpline: Business Administration, Management, and Operations

Length: 4 semesters

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Application Fee: $95.00
Tuition Fee: $16,362.00

Ottawa Campus Campus

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Program Description

The two-year Brand Management Ontario College Graduate Certificate program allows you to explore the many facets of brand strategy and management. Industry professionals share their insights and experience to teach you about the tools and strategies to be more business and brand savvy. Learn to navigate the global, digital and socially-conscious marketplace, enabling you to build and maintain a company`s most valuable asset-brand equity. Analyze how a brand is perceived in the marketplace and discover meaningful insights that influence the development of brand strategies and plans. Identify the right combination of brand attributes to reflect and deliver the experience that the consumer expects from the brand. Learn how to develop commercial plans, in order to maximize sales. Develop the brand story to connect with consumers, selecting the appropriate brand channels while building brand equity through the management of strategic promotional campaigns. Measure success using brand equity tracking tools. Remain on the forefront of industry trends, by applying innovative and creative thinking skills in all areas of brand development and management. The program has a strong focus on leadership, teamwork, and strategic thinking skills, to prepare you to contribute effectively in Canadian workplaces. Engage in a variety of learning opportunities, including case studies, workshops, individual and group work. The program culminates with an opportunity to be part of a brand consulting team. In this full-semester applied project, you design a brand framework and develop the action plan to respond to a Canadian industry partner`s brand challenges and opportunities.

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Study and Work in Canada

Full-time undergraduate and post-graduate international students can work anywhere on or off campus without a work permit. The rules around the number of hours a student will be allowed to work may vary based on the country the student chooses to study in. International students are typically able to work up to 20 hours a week.